Thank you for visiting our website!
Here you will find information concerning the Streams of Water Ministry. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our ministry..
When you visit our Ministry, you will find a caring group of individuals that will gladly welcome you.
Send us an email if you have any questions about our Ministry.
John Helton, Ministry Leader
Streams of Water Ministry
Alameda Church of Christ
Changes to Utility Assistance Program
Starting January 2025, there have been some changes to our Utility Assistance Program.
You now must have a cut-off notice, and the amount to keep the utility on must be $200 or less.
Norman, Oklahoma
Watch for a strong thunderstorm late tomorrow night; storms can bring hail and damaging winds
71° 59°
Feels Like: 58°Humidity: 80%
Wind: 15 MPH